Resilient & Thriving Podcast with Coach Kirsten
You were made to thrive. Breakthrough fatigue, burnout, injuries and illness into a body & build resilience for a life that is able to thrive. This podcast is a place of safety where tools to heal from physical injuries and illnesses, from life’s hurts, and to step into greater resilience so that you can ultimately thrive and help others. My name is "Coach K" and I'm a holistic health, mindset, emotional freedom, nutrition & running coach. My passion and joy is to help you live a pain-free-chronic-illness-free and energized, joy-filled life. In this show, we'll talk about nutrition, lifestyle, joyful and sustainable movement coaching, mindset, and emotional health. Can't wait to have you join.
Podcasting since 2021 • 44 episodes
Resilient & Thriving Podcast with Coach Kirsten
Latest Episodes
Healing from the Inside Out with Nutrient Density—Episode 44
Healing from the Inside Out: The Beauty of a Plant-Based Lifestyle These days, there are 100s of diets out there ... so many it's hard to count. In my health coaching program, we looked at around 100. And it was eye-opening! ...
Season 3
Episode 44
3 Stress-Reducing Breathing Techniques for Greater Energy—Episode 43
In today's fast-paced world, stress has become an inevitable part of life. From hectic work schedules to personal responsibilities, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and anxious. Not only that, but stress is estimated to be the cause of 75-90% of d...
Season 3
Episode 43
How Stress & Cortisol Causes Your Body to Use Food Differently—Episode 42
When I was in the height of my healing journey, my Functional doc discovered that while I was eating highly nutrient-rich foods and fiercely abstaining from inflammatory ones, I still wasn't absorbing the nutrients from the foods I ate.
Season 3
Episode 42
Plant Based Nutrition for Stress & Resilience—Episode 41
In the fast-paced, demanding world we live in, the effects of stress on our physical and emotional well-being can be profound. As someone who has personally witnessed the transformative power of holistic health, stress resilience, and plant-bas...
Season 3
Episode 41
Breaking the Stress Cycle with Nutrition - Part 1—Episode 40
In this episode, I want to dive into a topic that affects us all but often goes misunderstood – stress hormones and their impact on our well-being, as well as a simple nutritional tool we can utilize to begin to help create a solid foundation i...
Season 3
Episode 40